90% of women and girls in hard-to-reach rural places in Far Western Nepal use unhygienic cloth pads for menstrual management (S2HSP, 2016)

Only 4.94% of women and girls in the Far-Western Region and 7.5% in the Mid-Western Region use commercial sanitary pads (S2HSP, 2016)

Far-Western Region

Mid-Western Region

Only 40% of girls who had experienced menstruation reported using disposable sanitary pads (S2HSP, 2016)

13.5% of girls who have experienced menstruation reported using strips of old cloth and other unhygienic methods. (S2HSP, 2016)

A study among 204 adolescent girls showed that 89% of them experienced some form of restriction or exclusion during menstruation (WaterAid, 2009)

57.6% of 15-29 year old women avoid social gatherings (CBS, 2015)

25% of 15-29 year old women stay in different room of the house (CBS, 2015)

8.8% of 15-29 year old women bathe in a separate place (CBS, 2015)


71.2% girls and women stay in Chhaupadi during menstruation in the Mid-Western Mountains of Nepal

15.5% girls and women stay in Chhaupadi during menstruation in Far-Western Hills (CBS, 2015)

Sources : Awareness of abortion legality - NDHS, 2016